East Coast Comic 2018 Poster

The toughest part about the poster for East Coast Comicon is when to begin.  Start too soon, and miss whatever the zeitgeist is cranking out. Last year, I made a more political statement due to the absurdity of the choice the American presidential election produced.

This year, I happened to come across an unused concept sketch from back around 2003, for a back to school window display when we had a store in Laguna Beach, CA. The original drawing featured a school bus so I changed it to a Ford Econoline van to honor the comic retailers who set up booths at ECC. Without those guys, we don’t have a con! And they get no credit. They schlep tons pulp from town to town every weekend and provide us with incredible books where fans can make great finds. They are truly the unsung heroes of the comic convention world.

And a tip of the hat to Ed “Big Daddy” Roth.

Mini Documentary By Ogilvy

The mega monstrous international ad agency Ogilvy and Mather is putting together a series of mini docs about creativity and the people who have no other choice but to create over at Create or Else.

Director David Urbano and his crew did a great job, and I got to collaborate with them by doing the first pass of the animation for the final sequence where some of my characters begin to harass me for not paying attention to them. I haven’t done any animation in a few years, and I’d forgotten how labor intensive it is. I believe it took me three days for a few seconds of video.